Sunday, 25 April 2010

Medway Green Party gets its own blog

We have set up our own blog now, one we can all share from now on. We are not just about this general election you see, we have plans, we want Green Party councillors and Medway needs them sooner rather than later.

See you on the other blog and follow us on twitter too!

Thursday, 22 April 2010

What was that? Oh, just mankind going extinct....

In amongst all the leadership debates/pissing contests there is the small matter of a planet brought to the brink of disaster by a barely evolved population of upright monkeys (in the time-line of the earth we have managed in less than a heartbeat to pretty much undo 3.5 billion years of evolution). It may be controversial but are we really focussing on the important issues? Do we really have the right to maintain the fastest extinction rate ever, in the history of life on the planet, faster than the demise of the dinosaurs.

Forty years after the first Earth Day, the world is in greater peril than ever. While climate change is the greatest challenge of our time, it also presents the greatest opportunity – an unprecedented chance to build a healthy, prosperous, clean energy economy now and for the future.

I'll get back to policy critiques tomorrow.
From your friendly neighbourhood voice of reason!

Give the Orang-utan a break

I should be talking polictics and slagging off the other parties, especially as no-one but the Greens seem to understand that ordinary people who go to work, play with their kids and love their mum are after a peaceful, safe world and not one where bankers get paid millions for wrecking the economy and you have to pay for your old age (Tory policy by the way).

BUT I think you should know that Nestle are still using unsustainable palm oil in their products (Ethical Consumer EC124) which comes from the last rain-forest habitat of the Orangutan. Yes folks, THE LAST rain-forest habitat. I have long boycotted Nestle because of the baby milk scandal but this is scandalous. They are just chocolate biscuits for goodness sake, why do we have to eliminated this wonderful creature just to have a mid-morning snack!

The Green Party is the only party that has animal welfare as one of its key policies, if you care about our wildlife vote Green.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Dont forget the invertebrates!

Biodiversity is under threat. Human activity is driving the sixth great extinction and we are losing about 30,000 species per year.We have a historic opportunity not only to halt the degradation of our natural environment, but to begin to roll back two centuries of exploitation.

This is a massive issue, again a problem that we could address immediately by reducing pesticide use, promoting landscape conservation and getting rid of the non-elected Planning Commission, and ensure that sustainable development, not just economic development, is at the heart of the planning system.

I am suspicious that some decisions made locally against planning applications by Medway Council are done so in the full knowledge that it would be overturned by the Planning Commission and thus like Pontius Pilate, they are washing their hands of any responsibility.

Buglife is a charity which promotes knowledge of the smaller creatures that inhabit this blue (green) planet, they make an interesting point that most wasteland is not sterile. Look closely where nature has start to take over and you will see our indigenous species scurrying through the undergrowth.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

UK Ins ands Outs

Its an emotive, confusing and inflammatory subject but please read our immigration policy and think about our nations history of diversity and mutli-culturalism before you get agitated over immigration.

Fundamentally our immigration policies must be fair and non-discriminatory, respect the integrity of families and be applied promptly and effectively.

And we must meet our obligations to refugees and those seeking sanctuary, including the increasing numbers of people displaced by environmental change. It is not the third world who are responsible for climate change, we have already taken away land and livelihoods from them through rising sea-levels as a result of our carbon dependence.

One Green Party, theres only one Green Party..

From the Media you would think that all parties have gone at least partly green, but on closer inspection of the policies I can assure you that we are THE Green Party, others are just dipping themselves in vegetable dyes which will wash off in the next rain shower.

For example lets look at the latest attempt from the Lib Dems to portray themselves as green. The numbers of jobs involved in the Lib Dem plan are far less than Britain needs, the resulting CO2 reductions are inadequate, and £3 billion they propose investing is frankly a derisory amount when we're talking about the future job prospects of so many people and the seriousness of climate change.

There is only one Green Party, and it's the party that last week launched a fully-costed job-creation plan showing how Britain could pay for a £44 billion investment package to create a million new jobs in the UK.

One Green Party, there's only one Green Party, one Green Party......

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Climate Change is Real and Happening

"The Commons Science and Technology Committee criticised UEA authorities for failing to respond to requests for data from climate change sceptics. But it found no evidence Professor Phil Jones, whose e-mails were hacked and published online, had manipulated data. It said his reputation, and that of his climate research unit, remained intact" BBC News Weds 14th April

Its good news that the scientist at the UEA have been proven to be honest in their analysis of the climate science. The media attention on the "hacked" emails was enormous and undermined so much work that had been done to raise awareness among the general public.

The terrible thing is that the media interest in the findings today will be short lived and wont go anywhere near far enough to mitigate the loss of trust in the population. The climate sceptics achieved what they set out to do, to seed confusion and doubt where there is, in fact, none...

Sunday, 11 April 2010

The Futures Bright, the Futures Green!

Seeing Caroline on the Andy Marr show makes me pleased to be part of this campaign. Our policies are grown up and fair, and our candidates are passionate and caring. There are not many political parties where the criticisms we face relate to our belief in an equal society.

Ask me about education, healthcare, immigration, local and national economies etc and I will be able to reply with confidence that we have it covered.

Our Manifesto comes out on Thursday and it will reinforce our "Fair is Worth Fighting For" message.

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Leading tory endorsing discrimination?

Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling has taken a very dodgy position on civil liberties. He is reported to have said:

"I took the view that if it's a question of somebody who's doing a B&B in their own home, that individual should have the right to decide who does and who doesn't come into their own home.

"If they are running a hotel on the High Street, I really don't think that it is right in this day and age that a gay couple should walk into a hotel and be turned away because they are a gay couple, and I think that is where the dividing line comes."

B and Bs are businesses, whether its run in your own home or on the high street. As such anti-discrimination laws apply, no argument, no debate, no trying to excuse homophobia.